Using Microsoft Teams for video interviews | Learning | Retail Trust
Using Microsoft Teams for video interviews | Learning | Retail Trust Looking for: Interviews on Microsoft Teams | Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions | University of Chester - Find us on social media Click here to DOWNLOAD Job interview through microsoft teams - job interview through microsoft teams - Candidates: Are you interviewing and need support? Turn a Microsoft Teams meeting experience into a HireVue interview. HireVue interviews for Microsoft Teams HireVue for Microsoft Teams provides hiring managers and recruiters with a way to collaborate while working smarter. While it may be tempting to accessorize your outfit with matching jewelry, it's best to keep your accessories at a minimum for video interviews. You should especially stay away from shiny jewelry that would catch the light on camera, as this would be very distracting to the interviewer or hiring manager. In general, you can play around with colors for your lipstick and eye ma...